In fact severeal vitrectomies :-)
Initially presented after a bungee cord injury in June 2017 with traumatic cataract and zonular loss, hyphema, VH, and hypotony from cyclodiaysis cleft. Observed for some time and view cleared enough for a (poor quality) OCT, which showed traumatic MH.
Took him for PPV + PPL + ILM MP + cryo (every 2nd clock hour 2mm from limbus to address cleft) + SF6
Detached post-operatively unfortunately so brought back for another PPV. He did well thereafter and had a closed cyclodialysis cleft, good IOP, and closed MH.
Brought him back 6 months later for PPV + gore-tex scleral sutured Envista.
He was being followed for some mild cystoid changes (on topical drops for this) and in between visits this cyst popped up which I found interesting!